McLeod Lake / Corner Peak
So, Tate and I are camped out over in Wyoming Friday night, got a nice secluded spot, no noise other than the distant sound of the creek flowing and other typical sounds of the forest. Got a big day the next day, longish hike with some killer views (we hope).
About 3 am I awake with a start. Something disturbed my deep sleep, but I am unsure what it was. Tate snoring? I think maybe that is what it was and I start to doze off again. Then - Whooooooooooosh! The sound of a large animal exhaling out it's nose, followed quickly by the sound of it taking a few steps.... clop....clop....clop.... clop, you know, the sound a moose would make. Again. And again. It gets closer, very close. It moves off, a 100 yards or so. I relax a little. No need to wake Tate, I am sure he doesn't want to lie there in terror while some hairy beast circles the tent.
Then 10 minutes later it is back, close. My tent has one window and it is facing the wrong way, and it is closed.
I nudge Tate. I whisper "Listen".
He whispers back "What the hell is that?"
"I don't know, but I think it is a moose"
He mutters "Oh hell...."
"Get ready to make a break for it."
I unzip the door and look outside. Fog. Thick fog. Even though it is close to a full moon, I can see nothing. I grab the lantern and light it. I hold it up. I can see nothing. Tate crawls out and we get in our outfit. I start it, turn on the lights.....and nothing. I crank the wheel and make a small circle in the sagebrush. Nothing. Damn. I shut off the vehicle, open the door and stand outside to see if I can hear anything. Nothing.
Beats me all to hell what it was. I am not easily scared, and have slept out under the stars (alone) a few times. In some remote areas. Got me.....
Spent the rest of the night in the Durango, comfortable enough. We woke and were hiking by 6 am with some acquaintances. Good times.

The rest of the day consisted of green meadows, awesome granite cliffs, amazing sights, hail, lightning, flooded trail....

A memorable weekend!

About 3 am I awake with a start. Something disturbed my deep sleep, but I am unsure what it was. Tate snoring? I think maybe that is what it was and I start to doze off again. Then - Whooooooooooosh! The sound of a large animal exhaling out it's nose, followed quickly by the sound of it taking a few steps.... clop....clop....clop.... clop, you know, the sound a moose would make. Again. And again. It gets closer, very close. It moves off, a 100 yards or so. I relax a little. No need to wake Tate, I am sure he doesn't want to lie there in terror while some hairy beast circles the tent.
Then 10 minutes later it is back, close. My tent has one window and it is facing the wrong way, and it is closed.
I nudge Tate. I whisper "Listen".
He whispers back "What the hell is that?"
"I don't know, but I think it is a moose"
He mutters "Oh hell...."
"Get ready to make a break for it."
I unzip the door and look outside. Fog. Thick fog. Even though it is close to a full moon, I can see nothing. I grab the lantern and light it. I hold it up. I can see nothing. Tate crawls out and we get in our outfit. I start it, turn on the lights.....and nothing. I crank the wheel and make a small circle in the sagebrush. Nothing. Damn. I shut off the vehicle, open the door and stand outside to see if I can hear anything. Nothing.
Beats me all to hell what it was. I am not easily scared, and have slept out under the stars (alone) a few times. In some remote areas. Got me.....
Spent the rest of the night in the Durango, comfortable enough. We woke and were hiking by 6 am with some acquaintances. Good times.

The rest of the day consisted of green meadows, awesome granite cliffs, amazing sights, hail, lightning, flooded trail....

A memorable weekend!

ReplyDeleteThis is Willemina R. Pietersma from Holland.
First I thought you are Michael, but I changed my mind.
My mail=address:
Just in case you want to get in touch with me again.
Kind regards, Wil